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Why Are There So Many Different Law Of Attraction Manifesting Formulas?

When most people read that I researched and analyzed 254 Law of Attraction formulas, they think, “How in world could there be 254 different Law of Attraction formulas?”  I was a bit taken aback when I found my first 30 formulas.  When I got to around 90 I couldn’t believe I was still finding more.  At 150 I started to feel overwhelmed.  After 200 I figured there couldn’t be many more.  After 254 I stopped counting. I actually reviewed a lot more than 254 formulas.  The reason I didn’t include the additional formulas, in the list below, is because they were too similar to others I’d already collected.  The formulas I list below have a lot in common with each other but they all have something unique about them.  The uniqueness could be the wording of the formula, the order of the formula, or the formula containing a completely unique step etc.  

My first reaction when I found so many different manifesting formulas was frustration and concern.  It took me over 20 years to finally conclude that manifesting was real and I wasn’t just experiencing lots of coincidences.  However after seeing all the different formulas I thought, “How can manifesting be real if there are over 250 different formulas, all claiming to explain how concepts like the Law of Attraction work and how to get results?  Did I make a mistake?  Maybe I am unusually lucky?  Or maybe coincidences happen way more often than most people realize?”  However after going back and reading through my list of manifesting successes, that spanned a 30 year time period, I was reminded of the famous Robert A. Monroe quote, “The greatest proof of the existence of any particular phenomenon is consistency through repeated observation.”  I had documented 119 different manifesting successes stories from my own life.  Twenty could have been coincidences, even fifty, but after you get over a 100 different experiences, where you consciously think about something and it shows up in your experience, that just can’t be luck, or coincidence, it’s intentional manifestation.

Satisfied that I wasn’t deluding myself about manifesting being real, I began looking for other possible reasons why so many different manifesting formulas would exist.  It took a lot of analyzing but finally I came up with a rough working hypothesis.  People have been studying and learning about manifesting for hundreds, possibly thousands of years.  However it wasn’t until 2006, when the movie THE SECRET came out that the Law of Attraction was introduced into current mainstream society.  The Law of Attraction formula taught in THE SECRET is Ask, Believe and Receive.  I suspect what happened is that people everywhere tried that formula.   People noticed that sometimes the formula really did cause their desires to manifest but other times it didn’t.  This caused people to ask themselves, “Why do my desires manifest sometimes but not others?”  Eventually someone hit on the answer, “When your thoughts, feelings, words and actions are all focused on what you want, your desire manifests.  When any one of those areas is not focused on what you want, your desire doesn’t manifest, you’re out of alignment.”  People tested this alignment idea, it proved true, and then people began to notice the different things that caused them to be out of alignment with their desires.  Some noticed they had self-love issues, others expectations issues and others patience issues etc.  Each person took the thing they noticed and added it to the Ask, Believe, Receive formula.  This is why we have hundreds of different formulas that range in length from one step to eighteen steps.

I could stop here and just introduce you to the different manifesting formulas but I want to add in one more thing.  So suddenly we have all these different people, with all these different formulas, that have all these different steps.  Everyone who created a formula by adding steps to the Ask, Believe, Receive formula now believes s/he now has the formula that creates manifesting results.  They rightfully believe this, because they noticed that adding the steps they did, caused their desires to manifest more often than before when they were only doing Ask, Believe, Receive.  The only problem is everybody is experiencing better manifesting results but nobody is experiencing consistent manifesting results.  While their desires are manifesting more, their desires are still not manifesting all the time.

There are a number of reasons why my manifesting checklist makes it possible to manifest guaranteed results ALL THE TIME.  One of the biggest is that I broke down all these different manifesting formulas.  I figured out that everyone’s pet alignment issues, no matter who they are, all revolve around 15 key areas.  I then created the 15 key alignment questions that are the basis of my manifesting checklist.  So it doesn’t matter who you are, my manifesting checklist covers your pet alignment issues.  You start at the top and by the time you’ve reached the bottom of the checklist, you’ve dealt with all your alignment issues.  You know this because when you think of your desire, you feel consistently good about it and of course you then notice that it manifests.  You can get my manifesting checklist by clicking here.

Some things you need to know about the Law of Attraction formulas below…  

In many cases, the links go directly to the creator's formula.  Sometimes the formula creator didn't make that info public so the link goes to their Amazon page or sales page.

You'll find the formulas created or used by every single Law of Attraction teacher in THE SECRET.  You'll also find the formulas created by every single well known Law of Attraction coach, author and blogger and many of those who aren’t well known too.

Having said that, enjoy the formulas below.  Or if you are a formula creator, please take a moment to read my thank you note below.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
If you’re reading you’ve created a manifesting formula.  I just wanted to take a moment to give heartfelt thanks.  I never would have been able to create my manifesting checklist without reviewing your formula, studying your thoughts and in many cases reading about you and why you came to the manifesting conclusions that you did.  Thank you for the work you’re doing in the world and for the contribution you made to my life and my manifesting research.  Even though we’ve never met, after pouring over your thoughts, in some small way I feel like I know you.  Maybe one day, we’ll meet in person, and I’ll be able to thank you face-to-face =)  

Law of Attraction Manifesting Formulas

Abraham/Esther Hicks 3 Step Law of Attraction Allowing Formula

Adam Sicinski 3 Step Manifesting Formula + Bonus Step
Adrian Calabrese Ph.D. 6 Step Formula For Getting Everything You Want

Alan Tutt 4 Step Manifesting Formula
Allison Sutter 3 Step Mojo Accelerator Formula

Anahata Ananda 7 Steps To Manifesting Your Dreams
Andy Dooley 4 Step Fun Manifesting Formula  

Andrew Lutts 11 Question Manifesting Magnificence Formula

Andrea Schulman 7 Steps To Manifesting What You Want Formula
Ane C. Romero 3 Step Manifesting Formula

Anmol Mehta 4 Universal Principles Manifesting Formula  

Anne M. Bachrach 4 Step Manifesting Your Desires To Get Things Done Formula

Athena Staik, Ph.D. 3 Steps To Manifesting Your Dreams And Aspirations Formula
Awesome AJ 5 Principles For Quick Manifestation

Bashar/Darryl Anka Follow Your Highest Excitement Reality Selecting Formula
B. Dave Walters 7 Universal Laws of Manifesting Formula

Belinda Davidson 10 Manifesting Principles

Bianca Guerra 8 Steps To Manifesting & Creating Your Reality Formula

Bill Harris 3 Step Focus, Action, Create Value Manifesting Formula

Bobby Donohue 6 Steps To Being A Manifesting Rock Star Formula

Bob Crawford 3 Easy Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula

Bob Doyle 3 Step Vibrational Resonance Formula 

Bob Proctor 11 Universal Laws of Manifesting Success

Boni Lonnsburry 7 Step To Manifesting A Delicious Life Formula

Brittany Proshen 3 Getting Clear Manifesting Formula

Bruce Lipton 7 Ways To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Bruce Muzik 2 Steps + Bonus Step For How To Speed Up Your Manifesting Results
Buddha All that we are is a result of what we have thought.

Cali Gilbert
4 Steps To Manifesting A Life Of Bliss Formula

Carlos Marin The Ultimate Success Formula
Carol Holaday How To Create Powerful Objects Of Intention That Help Manifest Your Desires
Carol K. 4 Step Ask, Believe, Release, Receive Manifesting Formula (her website is down as April 23, 2015)

Carol Tuttle 5 Simple Steps To Manifesting Your Desires Formula

Carolyn Boyes 7 Easy Steps Cosmic Ordering Formula

Catherine Ewing 3 Step Manifesting Technique with EFT Recommendation

Cathleen Campbell 4 Step Living Harmony Manifesting Formula

Catherine Ponder 3 Steps To Manifesting Prosperity Formula

Chakra Khan 3 Step Manifesting Manifesto

Charles Haanel 7 Step Master Key System Manifesting Formula

Cheryl Glover 7 Step Dynamic Manifestation Formula

Chris Assad 4 Step Secret That No One Talks About Law of Attraction Formula    

Chris A. Samah 7 Basic Steps Of Manifestation Law of Attraction Formula

Christiane Turner 3 Step Law of Attraction Formula

Christopher Rivas 3 Step Attraction Equation    

Christy Whitman 7 Essential Laws Manifesting Formula

Chuck Pennington 3 Step Law of Attraction Short-Cut Formula

Cindy Morris 6 Step Energetic Intention Manifestation Formula

Collette Baron-Reid 3 Step Small Self + Soul Needs Manifesting Formula

Conrad Toner 3 Steps To Fulfilling Your Dream Manifesting Formula

Cynthia Bissonnette 4 Step Manifesting Formula
Cynthia Occelli 7 Step Manifesting Your Heart's Desires Formula

Dan Tech
3 Step Magic Manifesting Formula

Danny Wells 4 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula

Dari Awakened 6 Step Instantaneous Manifestation Formula

David Cameron Gikandi 7 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula

David Hooper 3 Step Law of Attraction Manifestation Formula
David Sunfellow 8 Step Master The World Through Love Manifesting Formula

David Spangler Positive Beingness Manifesting Formula
Dawn Abraham 6 Step Cosmic Ordering Formula
Dax Fiddes 5 Step Manifesting Method
Debbie Friedman 9 Steps To Manifesting Your Goals & Dreams
Debra Betterly Simple Energy Manifesting Formula

Deepak Chopra 4 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula   

Dee Wallace Love Vibration Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula

Denis Waitley Unfailing Boomerang Law of Attraction Formula
Diana Gubiseh-Ayala 4 Step Cosmic Ordering Manifesting Formula

Donna Labermeier 3 Step B + E = T Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Dr. Bobbie Stevens 7 Step Manifesting Your Visions Formula

Earl Nightingale
Emotion & Repetition Subconscious Seeding Process

Eddie Coronado The Prosperity Action Plan
Edwin Harkness Spina 3 Steps To Manifesting Your Ideal Life 

Egan Sanders 3 Step Definite Manifesting Formula

Elan/Andrew Bayuk 4 Step Decide Now Manifesting Formula
Emmanuel Dagher 4 Step Manifesting Formula

Enoch Tan 2 Step Intention With Detachment Ultimate Manifesting Formula
Erika Dolnackova 7 Step Modern Goddess Manifesting Formula

Erica Douglass 4 Step Manifesting Large Sums of Money Formula
Erin Reed 5 Easy Manifesting Steps To Unleash Your Power Mind Formula
Ernest Holmes It is done unto you as you BELIEVE.

Florence Scovel Shinn
Power Of The Word Manifesting Process
Forbes Robbins Blair 9 Steps Manifestation Matrix Formula

Fred Fengler, Ph.D & Todd Varnum 3 Basic Principles Of Manifesting Formula
Free Spirit 5 Things To Bear In Mind When Manifesting Your Ideal Life Formula

Gabrielle Bernstein
The 5 Principles For Manifesting Your Desires Formula
Gaia/Pepper Lewis  5 Steps To Creating A New Reality
Gaiam TV 7 steps For How To Use The Law of Attraction
Ginny Gane 3 Simple Steps To Deliberate Creation
Gleb Esman 4 Steps To Mastering The Law of Attraction Formula
George Lizos 1 Step Proven Formula To Manifest Your Desires Instantly   

Gregg Braden 7 Chakras Manifesting Formula

Greg Kuhn 5 Step Emotional Reference Chart Manifesting Formula

Hale Dwoskin
The Sedona Method Manifesting Technique
Helen Abbott 10 Easy To Follow Steps To Creating Your Ideal Life

Helene Hadsell S.P.E.C. Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula

Hemal Radia 3 Step Law of Attraction Equation   

Hilary Stokes & Kim Ward 6 Step Formula For Attracting Your Goals & Dreams

Ilona Anne Hress
1 Step Manifesting With 5th Dimensional Frequencies

Inspired 4 Steps To Effective Visualization Formula

Inward Quest 5 Manifesting Methods (read Manifesting Experiment Guide first)   

Jack Canfield
The Most Famous 3 Step Law of Attraction Formula In The World   

Jackie Dumaine 4 Steps To Manifesting Magic Formula
Jackie Lapin Practical Conscious Creation Steps

Jackie Woods The Growth & Manifestation Cycle
James Arthur Ray 7 Step Visualization Formula

James F. Twyman I Am That, I Am Manifesting Formula
James Weaver Mindless Manifestation Formula

Jana Matthews 3 Step New Moon Manifesting Formula

Janette Dalgliesh 2 Step "Lights You Up And Easy For You" Manifesting Formula

Jason Mangrum 1 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Jason Nelson  7 Steps To Making The Law of Attraction Work Every Time
Jeannette Maw 3 Step Easy Peasy Manifesting Formula
Jeffrey A. Martin The God Formula
Jennifer Longmore 10 Universal Laws For Successful Manifestation

Jessica Rueger 5 Steps For Manifesting Greatness Formula

Jesus And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing ye shall receive.

Jiro Taylor 7 Step To Mastering The Law Of Attraction

Joanna DeVoe 5 Step Law of Attraction Equation

Joanne The Psychic Medium 6 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Joe Dalio 5 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula

Joe Rapisarda 3 Step Manifestation Process

Joe Vitale 5 Step Attraction Factor Manifesting Formula

John Assaraf 5 Step Manifesting Action Formula

John Baylor 4 Step Attraction Formula
John Cali & Spirit 1 Step Law of Attraction Formula
Dr. John F. Demartini 10 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
John Kehoe 3 Step Manifesting Formula
John Robson 3 Keys To Manifestation Formula
Johanne Gallagher 7 Steps of Creation

Jonathan Goldman 3 Step Manifestation Formula
Jonathan Manske 6 Step Law of Attraction Manifestation Formula
Jon Rasmussen 5 Steps To Dreaming Your World Into Being
Jon Rasmussen The Force of Influence Factor in the Scientific Method  – A Manifestation Formula
Jordan Lejuwaan 5 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Dr. Joseph Murphy The Power of The Subconscious Mind Manifesting Formula
Jose Silva 6 Step Goal Setting Formula (incorporated into the formula are Silva's 3 manifesting steps)
Joshua/Gary Temple Bodley 5 Step Magic Power Of Creation Formula

Joyce Meyer Prayer: What It Is And How It Works

Judith Morales 3 Steps To Manifesting Your Desires Formula

Juliet Martine 5 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula

Julie Isaac Focus Is The Key Manifesting Methods   

Julie Rose 5 Powerful Manifesting Steps

Kara Maria Ananda
3 Powerful Steps To Manifesting Like A Goddess
Kate Corbin 3 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Kate Michels 4 Core Alignment Steps
Ka Sundance 5 Steps To Manifesting Anything You Want
Kai-Ashley Clifford 15 Steps To Powerfully Manifest Your Reality
Katherine Hurst 4 Step Formula For Manifesting Your Dreams

Kendra E. Thornbury 13 Manifesting Essentials Process

Kenneth James Michael MacLean 5 Universal Laws
Kitty Bishop Ph.D 5 Steps To Manifest Your Desires
Kristen Howe 5 Steps To Make The Law Of Attraction Work For You
Kristopher Lane 5 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Kyron/Lee Carroll Co-Creation Formula
Kyrona 11 Step Merkabah Alignment Manifesting Formula

Laura Morris
4 Steps To Manifesting Miracles Formula
Laura Silva 6 Steps To How The Law of Attraction Works
Laurel Clark 3 Step Formula For Manifesting Success
Lazaris/Jach Pursel 4 Steps For Processing The Raw Materials of Manifestation
Lee Haskin 13 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Lifespirit Center 4 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Limitless Manifestation 5 Universal Manifestation Teachings
Lisa Nichols She utilizes the 3 step manifesting formula taught in THE SECRET in her work.
Liz Hope Thompson 5 Step Quantum Game Results Formula
Lori Hamann 12 Steps To Alignment
Lori L Mitchell 8 Step Manifesting Method

Lynda Madden Dahl & Seth Moment Point Manifesting
Lynn Grabhorn 3 Step Find The Feeling Place Manifesting Formula

Marci Shimoff
& Bill Levacy
3 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Margot Zaher & Jafree Ozwald 4 Steps To Manifesting Your Heart's Desire With Effortless Ease
Maria Gioia Atzori 10 Easy Steps To Using The Manifesting Process
Marie Diamond 6 Step Manifesting Process (As of May 31, 2015 still missing 5th step)
Marilyn Barker & Will Parfitt 6 Step Manifestation Of Will Formula
Marilyn Holzmann Clarity, Release & Connection Process
Mari Mitchell 5 Step Manifesting Process
Marieta Oslanec 7 Step Manifestation Formula

Matthew Ferry 8 Step Proven Manifesting Formula
Melody Fletcher 7 Steps To Making The Law Of Attraction Make Some Freakin Sense Formula
Melanie Benson Strick 6 Step Formula For Creating Consistent, Predictable Manifesting Results

Melissa Wadsworth 11 Step Collective Manifestation Formula   

Meera Lester 6 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula   

M. Freire 3 Stages Of Attraction Formula

Michael Alperstein 10 Top Tips To Attract What You Want
Michael Asanawe 4 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Michael Beckwith 3 Step Love Visioning Manifesting Process
Michael Losier 3 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Michael Masterman 10 Tips For Making Cosmic Ordering Work For You

Michael Mirdad 3 Step Creating From Spirit Manifestation Formula
Michelle Martin Dobbins 2 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Michele Meiche 6 Steps To Gain Direction Manifesting Formula
Mike Dooley Keep It General Manifesting Formula
Monique Chapman 8 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Momentum Mikey Simple Manifesting Equation

Namaste Faustino
15 Question For Guaranteed Manifesting Results Checklist
Nancy Stremmel 2 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Nanette Geiger 3 Part Equation of Manifesting
Napoleon Hill 6 Step Results Formula
Natalia PH 6 Step Master The Law of Attraction Formula
Nathan ? 7 Natural Laws Of The Universe
Neale Donald Walsch 6 Step Law Of Attraction Process

Neville Goddard Secret Feeling Manifesting Formula
Nia 4 Energies L.U.C.K. Manifesting Formula
Niurka 10 Step Formula For Conscious Creation

Noah St. John 5 Things You Can Do Today To Manifest Your Desires

Operation Meditation
8 Tips For Using The Law of Manifestation
Orin/Sanaya Roman & Daben/Duane Packer 7 Steps To Manifesting With Divine Will

Pam Sterling
4 Steps To Mastering Manifestation
Paul Eric 3 Steps Manifesting Formula
Paul/Frank Butterfield 3 Step Creation Formula

Peggy McColl 3 Step Manifesting Process
Pernille Madsen 3 Step Law of Attraction Process

Peter Caddy 11 Step Manifestation Process

Peter Baksa 3 Step Manifestation Formula

Whatever Ever Knowingness You Allow Yourself To Receive Will Become Your Reality Process
Rebbie Straubing 2 Step Manifestation Formula
Regina Concotelli 3 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula
Richard Bach Blue Feather Manifesting Exercise

Robert Fagan 8 Steps To Invoke The Law Of Attraction To Work For You Formula
Robert Spadinger The Key To Consciously Creating The Life You Want
Robert Zink 7 Law of Attraction Secrets for Manifesting Success
Rosario Aida Mazer The Law of Love Is The Ultimate Law of Attraction Equation
Rosicrucians 7 Cosmic Principles
Ross Pittman 7 Step Prayer Success Formula
Ruzica Kozul 5 Step Effortless Manifesting Formula

Samantha Ibarguen
4 Easy Steps To Manifest What You Want
Sanjiv Ranjan 8 Steps From Intention To Manifestation
Sarah Centrella 8 Steps To Living Your Dream

Sarah Prout 5 Easy Steps To Manifesting Miracles

Sarupa Shah 7 Step Manifestation Plan

Satori Method 7 Step Manifestation Formula

Serena 3 Step Learning How To Manifest Anything Formula

Seth/Jane Roberts 1 Step You Get What You Concentrate Upon Manifesting Process

Shakti Gawain 4 Step Creative Visualization Process

Shannon Van Den Berg 5 Crucial Steps To Starting Quantum Heart Manifestation

Sherold Barr 6 Step Process For Harnessing The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

Sirgun Kaur 4 Easy Steps To Manifesting Your Dreams

Sonia Ricotti 11 Step Law of Attraction Manifestation Formula

Song Chengxiang 6 Step Guide To Manifesting Your Desires

Susan Ferraro 6 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula

Stella Tesori 4 Keys of How Manifesting Works Formula

Stephanie F. 4 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Process

Steve D’Annunzio 4 Step Good Intention Law of Attraction Formula

Steve Martile 5 Step How To Use The Law of Attraction To Achieve Your Dreams Formula

Steve Pavlina 5 Step How Intentions Manifest Formula

Steve Pohlit 4 Step Amazing Experiences Universal Formula 

Steve Williams 3 Step Power Triangle Law of Attraction Formula

Steven Aitchison 3 Laws Of The Law of Attraction Formula

Tania Kotsos
5 Step Conscious Creation Process

Teal Swan Thoughts Will Be Mirrored Externally Manifesting Formula

Ted Brassfield 7 Step Law of Attraction Formula

Teresa Worthington 3 Step Personal Point of Attraction Formula

Teza Ziacita 7 Simple Steps To Manifesting Formula
Thomas Herold 7 Principles Of Successful Manifesting
Tobi Ellison 11 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula

Tom Murasso 3 Step Conscious Creation Formula

Tony Burroughs 3 Step Intenders Circle Manifesting Formula

Vishen Lakhiani
5 Levels of Manifesting Formula

Wallace D. Wattles
3 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula

Wayne Dyer The Power of Intention Manifesting Formula
Wendy Bett 3 Steps To Activate The Law of Attraction
Wenny Yap & Napoleon Hill 7 Fundamental Principles of the Law of Attraction Formula

William Meinsen 7 Step Law of Attraction Manifesting Formula

William Sumner 4 Step Secret Law of Attraction Equation Formula

ZaKaiRan 7 Step Pranic Divine Life Force Manifestation Formula

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