Mr. Namaste
The Rewards & Challenges Of Guaranteed Manifestation Results
My Manifesting Checklist Research
If you’re analytical like me, you’ll enjoy reading through my research steps below. If you’re not analytical, I’d still encourage you to glance through everything. It’s only going to take about ten seconds before you stop and think, “Ok, I get it. This guy is different; he’s done a level of research on manifesting results that I’ve never seen or heard of anyone else doing before. This checklist of his really is something special, a tool that can help me manifest the life changing results I've been dreaming about.” Having said that let me start from the beginning…
In late 2009, I began researching manifesting results. I wanted to figure out why I’d been able to manifest some results but not others.
I wrote out a list of every desire I could remember manifesting since 1985 when I first learned about the Law of Attraction. I then took each one of these 119 manifestations and wrote down what I remembered doing to get each desire to manifest.
I also wrote out a list of every desire I could remember failing to manifest. And I wrote down what I did while trying to get each desire to show up in my experience.
I took all the manifesting formulas I’d collected over the years, as well as the ones I found while researching, (253 in all). Then, I broke them down, compared them to one another, and to my real life manifesting experiences.
I researched and created an extensive list of every major, and most of the minor, manifesting techniques/processes ever created. I compared them to my real life manifesting experiences and to manifesting experiences of other people in my life.
I listed everything I’d learned about the Law of Attraction from the 95 LOA teachers I’d studied over the past 30 years. I compared this knowledge to manifesting experiences. This enabled me to see which lessons had proven viable in the real world and which had not.
I included every major Law of Attraction discovery that has ever been made in my research and analysis. Whittling away, I checked their accuracy against results, thoroughly researching and comparing them against the manifesting experiences of myself and others.
Shortly after I began my research in 2009, I started sharing what I was learning with others, in the hopes that it would help them to increase their manifesting successes. I wrote down their manifesting successes, as well as their failures, and then used that info when I was analyzing manifesting experiences to confirm the universal alignment steps.
It’s also noteworthy that, from 2009 onward, I benefited from the input and feedback from my two Law of Attraction mastermind groups, numerous conscious creators who are friends and acquaintances, and a razor sharp Law of Attraction coach, who has invested 18 years of her life into studying the highly acclaimed Abraham Hick’s work.
The massive scope and intensive detail of the research culminated in me quitting my job on March 28, 2014. I then invested the next 16 months into analyzing and breaking down all the data I’d collected, which resulted in the discovery of the 15 Universal Alignment Questions and the creation of my manifesting checklist. This unique Alignment Tool makes it finally possible to create Guaranteed Manifesting Results.
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