Mr. Namaste
Experience Guaranteed Manifesting Results, Love Your Actual Life & Go On A Reality Exploring Adventure
What do a priest, CEO, a murderer and a drunk all have in common?
They all want to be happy.
The one thing that everyone on the planet wants is to be happy.
Where would you score your general level of happiness on the scale below?
+10 = Bliss
5 = Happy
0 = Neutral
-5 = Unhappy
-10 = Misery/Brutal Depression
Please write your score down somewhere, we'll check to see if it's raised after you finish this process.
Most people are happy in certain areas of their lives and unhappy in others. Lets figure out what is working for you and what is not.
Using the -10 to 10 scale above, rank your level of happiness in the following areas…
Health ___
Physical Activity ___
Body Appearance ___
Enjoyment of work ___
Career progress ___
Financial Stability ___
Financial Savings ___
Financial Enjoyment ___
Life Purpose ___
Significant Other ___
Children ___
Parents ___
Control of Your Emotions ___
Emotional Development ___
Social Life ___
Friendships ___
Recreation ___
Mental Development ___
Education ___
Daily Habits & Routines ___
Spiritual Development ___
Contribution to Others ___
Character & Values ___
Look at the categories where you ranked yourself for the least amount of enjoyment.
Are you motivated to make a change for the better in those areas of your life?
What decisions are you making in those areas of your life, right now, that are harming your enjoyment of it?
What new decisions can you begin making that will stop harming your enjoyment of life?
Now that you have your answers, the only thing left to do is get accountable.
It’s easy to make promises to yourself and break them.
It’s not easy to make promises to another person and break them.
Anytime you want to make a real change in your life, you want to get accountable. The question then becomes, “Who do I become accountable to?” The reason you don’t want to use friends and family is they are your friends and family. They aren’t trained to take you through this process. And if they have a hot date the night of your accountability appointment, chances are it’s going to get canceled.
Whether you work with me, or another coach, get someone in your corner who is trained to help people through the accountability process.
If you’d like to work with me, take my compatibility test now by clicking here. Once you’ve established we have a high compatibility level, click here to set up a 30 minute complimentary consultation so we can discuss what's possible. Or if you'd like to return to My Services page click here.