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Focus on the 1 - 3 things that are going to get 80% of the results.

Everyone will have the other 20% that's special to them, but the core 1 to 3 should apply to everyone.

KEEP IT SIMPLE!!! Each section needs to make people think, "I can do that!" And "this guy will help me." DO NOT MAKE IT MORE DETAILED THAN THAT.  If they see it and think, "I can do that" and "he'll help me" I win and can give them all the details later.  Remember dumping all those ACN books on Dave. Do NOT DUMP.

Dream beliefs and dream habits!!!! These are the two things to focus on that get 80% of the results.  Is there a third? Not that I'm seeing...


Put in eternal being stuff including doing past life regression tests because shows you're an eternal being and can start thinking like one so not so concerned with having everything perfect in this lifetime.

Apply ACIM 365 idea to this section.  Once you've proven to yourself this is a dream, then you have to ask yourself, "What does this mean about people? food? your job? money?" etc.  Use Socratic method but provide my answers at end of the exercise. This ties into loving life, but I think it belongs here???  Proving to yourself that you control the timing of everything so does that mean about food? people? Meh... feels better here. PLUS!!! IT TIES THE TWO TOGETHER!!!! Another way to tie these together is lucid dream shows you that you're an eternal being WHICH ALLOWS YOU TO LOVE YOUR LIFE. Tie the two together as much as possible and that makes my three areas all make very strong connected sense.  You need ALL 3 to really love this life and experience what's possible. To understand how guaranteed results are possible (anything is possible) you need to understand this is a dream.

Are You Interested In Adventure Or Escaping?

Are you interested in going on this reality exploring adventure because it sounds fun or because you need to escape the life you created?

The reason you want to honestly answer this question is that the motivation behind your reason for learning about this adventure will likely determine how successful an adventure you have.

If you know you're reading this section simply because the idea of going on an adventure sounds fun, you can skip this section.

If you're not sure, or you know you're escaping, you please continue reading so you avoid the mistakes I made and instead have it all!

Before I learned the skills and habits shared in the Loving Life section of this website, I was unconsciously doing everything I could to escape my life.  I worked nonstop because I was so unhappy with the present. When I wasn’t working, my thoughts were consumed with either daydreaming about a future that I believed would be better or reliving the past. I lived for my next manifestation success. I was an emotional eater, using food (especially chocolate and sweets) to feel good. I listened to music that was popular when I was growing up to escape further into memories and emotions.


Any free time during the week was spent in front of the TV or lost in a book. In my earlier years, weekends were for more work, and nights were for partying. Later, I was still working on the weekends, but I replaced the drinking with plant teacher experiences (cannabis, kratom, salvia divinorum, etc.). When I discovered lucid dreaming, I dove right in. The same happened with reality shifting.

Thankfully, I finally figured out that I'm always the one who created the problems/challenges I'm experiencing and rather than those problems/challenges being miserable s**t to deal with, they are the very things that are directing me to the things I want most in life.  If I hadn't learned this, I’d still be doing much of what you just read about today.  Instead I'm enjoying those experiences from time-to-time instead of "needing"/"living" for them. (make sure I'm NOT making these experiences wrong)

If you found yourself relating to what I wrote about how I used to live my life, do yourself a favor: spend as much time learning in this section as you do in the Loving Life section.  Let me help you see the truth of this quote...

When you see solid evidence from your own life that you’re creating all of this, you realize that what is truly is what you want. ~Al Faustino

If you make the decision to spend as much time learning about how to love your actual life, as you do about how to explore the bounds of reality, you'll see that you can enjoy the best of both worlds, you truly can have it all =)


1 Minute A Day To Go On Reality Exploring Adventures/5 Days A Week Plan, few more minutes (7 minutes plan), some additional minutes (15 minute plan) And make sure 5 day segments complete a week so they get a star, then  3 Weeks On, 1 Week Off Cause Nothing Serious Going On Here, Month of December Off Because This Is Fun Time (5 Years to do it this way, 3 Years by doing additional few minutes, 1 Year if you do 1 minute, few minutes, additional minutes adds up to roughly 15 per day five days a week Instructions

What do you want?
Why do you want it?
Review as part of 1 minute once a week so it's always at the forefront of their consciousness.

Create a checklist of this info that does NOT require emails to download, also put them in the free section.  

Pre Adventure Reality Shifting Checklist Focus on escaping is ruining amazing life right now look up document! Needs to be a part of this so don't have people screwing themselves out of the amazing right now!!!  BEFORE START SHIFTING KILL ALL RESISTANCE TO RIGHT NOW,

Go On A Reality Exploring Adventure

Flesh out who, what, when, where, why and how...
Template is...
Hook question
A personal story about the benefit and sending them for details to full page (need to answer who, what, when, where, why and how on this page).
What if world you've been waking up to your entire life is not as it appears to be?

Also, I need to make the point that I want you to think back to a time when you were truly loving your life completely.  During that time were you daydreaming about other things?  Of course not, you were truly loving your life exactly as it was.  Rabbit hole adventuring is fun, but if you're doing it because you're trying to escape a reality you're unhappy with, you're leaving happiness on the table.  There isn't anything wrong with this, but you really want to make sure that you put as much effort into learning the habits that allow you to shift realities as you do into loving your life.


What if the seemingly ordinary world you've been living in is actually a magical reality, just waiting for you to awaken to its wonders?

What if the kinds of amazing experiences you've seen in the movies were things you could experience for real?

I’m curious—what’s your favorite daydream?

  • Self-healing?

  • Manifesting money out of the blue?

  • Having that certain someone fall in love with you?

  • Superpowers: flying, super strength, or something else?

  • Time travel?

  • Reality Shifting?

  • Or is it something entirely different?

Guess what? All of those experiences I just mentioned are 100% possible. I know that because I’ve experienced all of them. And anything I can experience, you can too. But what if your favorite daydream is about something entirely different—like world peace, fame, or something else? Based on what I’ve concluded from my years of research and personal experiences, anything—and I do mean anything you can imagine—is 100% possible to experience.  Before I share my stories with you and what I’ve learned that proves anything is possible, let’s back up—because I’m getting ahead of myself.

If you’d told me years ago that one day I’d be sharing stories like the ones I’m about to share with you, I’d have called you delusional. If it weren’t for the unique life experiences I’ve had that forced me to acknowledge that reality cannot be what it seems, I’d have ended up becoming a very down-to-earth research scientist. For example, when I first read that thoughts could manifest into things, I said, “That has to be the single stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!” I couldn’t believe anyone would fall for something so ridiculous. Then I tested manifesting. To my complete shock and surprise, my desire manifested. Wondering if I’d just gotten lucky, I tested it again. Sure enough, it worked again! And that’s pretty much how my entire journey unfolded from there. I’d hear about something that sounded impossible, scoff at it, try it out, find out it worked, and be amazed. And the experiences just kept getting wilder and wilder.

You know, it’s kinda funny. Most people reading this will have already experienced their thoughts turning into things. (And if you haven’t, stick around—it won’t be long before you experience it too.) If you think about it, the fact that your thoughts turn into things is literally beyond miraculous. It’s straight-up magic, like something out of a fairy tale. But after it happens a couple of times, it becomes so commonplace that we don’t even think about it.

Then someone mentions it’s possible to pick up an item and know things about its owner simply by touching it, and people say,

“No way, that’s impossible!” That’s exactly how I felt when I first heard about this ability. Then I tried it myself—and from firsthand evidence, I saw it’s something we can all do.

Okay, now that I’ve done my best to convince you I’m not experiencing mental health challenges, let’s dive into the stories! 😊

  • Pick Up Object & Know Things About Its Owner Story          (click here)

  • Self-Healing Story (click here)

  • Manifesting Money Out of the Blue Story (click here)

  • Having Someone Fall in Love with Me Story (click here)

  • Superpowers:

    • Flying Story (click here)

    • Super Strength Story (click here)

    • Something Else Surprise Story (click here) (cars disapp)​​

  • Time Travel Story (click here)

  • Shifting into a Different Reality Story (click here)


After sharing stories like these, I find people tend to fall into one of four groups...

The first group smiles and shares stories of their own that go beyond what I’ve experienced in a couple of areas.

The second group can relate to my stories, having had similar experiences.

The third group is brand new to this and can’t wait to have their first experience.

The fourth group is super skeptical and wonders if I’m lying. If that describes you, I get it. If I hadn’t had these experiences and heard them from someone else, I’d probably think the same thing. But if you bail now, you’re going to miss out on the single most exciting adventure of your life. Everything I share can be tested and verified, so I dare you to stick around long enough to run your own tests and see what’s really possible.

Regardless of where you're at after hearing my stories, the most important question that needs to be asked and answered is, "How in the world are experiences like this possible?"  As shocking as the answer I found is it makes complete sense and best of all it's testable to verify it's true...

They need to have proven to themselves that thoughts turn into things, that alignment causes results, Michael Talbot "if one thing, it's all mind" 

So how do you open yourself up to this magical dream reality?  Get around others who are having these experiences and open yourself up by saying, "I'm ready to start having some safe, easy to accept magical experiences."  Or if you're one of those "all in types and don't mind some extreme fun" say, "Pull back the curtains and show me what I'm dealing with here."


In the beginning of their journeys down the rabbit hole, new seekers have a variety of interesting experiences ranging from seeing the same number combination over and over again, to knowing something about the future in advance, to daydreaming about an experience only to have it suddenly happen before their eyes.  The great thing about these experiences is that they're exciting. The downside is the seeker experiencing them rarely has any idea about how to replicate them.
At some point everyone has an experience that makes them wonder if the world before their eyes is really what it seems.  Most people write-off the experience or explain it away.  A few become curious and start asking questions.  We call these people seekers.  Their initial questions lead to more questions, and before these new seekers realize what is happening, they are tumbling down the proverbial rabbit hole.*
As seekers continue on their journeys, they gain understanding of why things are happening and begin to exert some control over their reality. They learn that their thoughts influence the reality they experience way more than they ever imagined. They learn how to "get into flow" so they regularly experience sweet synchronicities. And they learn how to connect with their intuitions and access much needed answers whenever they want.
For some seekers these abilities and experiences are enough.  Others want to see how much their thoughts really do create their realities; they want to see how deep the rabbit hole really goes.  The seekers who push on from this point make a concentrated effort to become the masters of their thoughts. Case in point, a few years ago Ingrid Plattmann decided she was tired of having jobs she didn’t enjoy in order to have an income and survive. She decided to see if she could win the lottery by changing her limiting thoughts about what was possible.  It took her three years, but she did it!  On January 11, 2014 she won the Washington State lotto game Hit 5 for $230,000.
If it’s possible to think your way into winning the lottery, what else is possible?  Cathy Goodman cured herself of cancer.  Stefani Germanotta used to walk around pretending she was a rock star, when she was a nobody. Today you know her as the world famous Lady Gaga.  Katie Holmes bought a poster of movie star heartthrob Tom Cruise and put it on her wall when she was growing up.  In her 20’s she began dating him, and a short time later they got married.
As amazing as those experiences are, they're likely just the tip of the iceberg.  Musical legend Michael Jackson was on to something when he said, “We can fly, you know.  We just don’t know how to think the right thoughts and levitate ourselves off the ground.”  If it’s possible to think your way into winning the lottery, becoming famous or marrying a movie star, then it should also be possible to think your way into psychokinesis (ability to influence machinery with your thoughts), telekinesis (ability to move objects with your mind), remote viewing (ability to project one's mind to different places), astral projection (ability to experience different planes of existence), teleportation (ability to disappear from one spot and appear in another), divination (ability to know things about a person, place or location through means other than a person's five senses), shape shifting (ability to alter your physical characteristics like age) and even time travel.


Time travel?

Start with something more basic...

Bending a spoon?

Fix something with your mind.

Levitating? (when I share this, explain why lie about this? People who have similar experienes will nod their heads in knowing, I'd say everyone else is just going to write me off as a liar or delusional, but then I'd be creating that... All I know is I'm done hiding, I had this experience, I'm not crazy, never had another like it, it happened, here it is...)

Tell my stories after 11:11s and then get into life is a dream in other page.

Years ago, I came across the idea that life is a dream. My first thought was, “Why would anyone believe that? It makes no sense. Anyone can see this isn’t a dream. I’ve never been walking along, and found myself suddenly being chased by a monster but only being able to run in slow-motion as I tried to escape."

Later, I learned there are three types of dreams:

1.    Normal Dreams – The ones we have at night and might remember upon waking.

2.    Vivid Dreams – Rare, lifelike dreams where you wake up thinking, That felt so real.

3.    Lucid Dreams – Where you wake up within the dream and realize you’re dreaming.  So if you're dreaming of a beach, and you become lucid in the dream, suddenly you actually are at the beach, just like as if you'd driven to a beach in real life.  The waves are crashing, the sun is shining, you're walking along, but it's not real life, it's a dream and you know it.

Before learning about lucid dreaming, I didn’t know such a thing was possible. Naturally, I had to see for myself.  A while later, I had my first lucid dream.  I'll never forget it as long as I live. 

One night, I fell asleep like usual. like any other night.  Suddenly, I found myself standing in the D Gates of the Las Vegas airport.  I instantly knew I was dreaming, yet everything felt as real as real life.    I could see travelers walking by, feel the cool air conditioning on my face, and even touch the polished stone floor—it was smooth and freshly polished. I began exploring, marveling at the experience.  I just couldn't believe I was dreaming.  Then, without warning, I was back in bed.  I sat up dazed.  It was morning.  The sunlight was streaming through the window.  As I looked around I thought, If that was a dream, and this is real life, but they felt equally real, how do I know I'm not dreaming right now?  

Thus, the adventure began.  As the years passed, I had experiences that made me question waking reality more and more.  Until one day, I learned about a test that I could run to see if waking reality was a reoccuring lucid dream.  When I saw the results, suddenly everything made sense: why thoughts turn into things, why our intuitions can tell us about the future before events have happened, why guaranteed manifestation results are possible as well as anything else imaginable.

At this point, most people reading this fall into two camps.  Either everything I've shared makes sense because they mirror your own experiences, or you think that the idea that life is an ongoing lucid dream is delusional and clearly wrong.  Either way, the path ahead is the same: you don't have to take my word on anything.  The exercises and tests I share speak for themselves.  For new comers just starting to explore this path, this adventure begins with the fundamentals.  For old hats you'll jump straight to the advanced tests where you see that you can heal yourself, fix things with your mind (like your car), and even time travel. =)

What do I direct them to do from here?

You're having a lucid dream* right now and I can prove it to you...

In this section, I explain...

What a lucid dream is.

The three experiments you can do to prove to yourself that you're experiencing an ongoing lucid dream right now. 

The outcome of learning this information, and running these experiments is it launches  you into the adventure of your lifetime!  Suddenly, you realize that not only is anything possible, but things that you never considered were possible before, can now be experienced.  And it just keeps getting more interesting from there.  If you're ready to take a real life trip down the rabbit hole, then let's begin...

What is a lucid dream? 

​The easiest way to explain what a lucid dream is, is to share my first lucid dream with you.  The year was 2011.  I went to bed late as I always did in those days around 1 or 2 am.  Around 9 am that morning, I was having a dream about being at the Las Vegas airport.  This was back in 2011 so it's been a really long time.  I don't remember exactly what it was that caused me to realize I was dreaming.  I think it was seeing a guy I knew in the dream wearing a strange red shirt and thinking, "Why in the world would he be wearing an odd colored shirt like that?"  Suddenly, I thought to myself, "There is no way he'd wear a shirt like that, THIS MUSTS BE A DREAM!" That thought "triggered lucidity" which means I suddenly became aware that I was dreaming, while I was dreaming.  There is nothing that can prepare someone for what this is like.  It's just something to experience.  Anyway, all of a sudden, I was in the Las Vegas airport.  I was dressed in nomal clothes and I was stunned.  I knew I was dreaming. I knew my body was asleep in a bed.  Yet, there I was standing in the Las Vegas aiport.  After a few seconds of standing there, frozen in place, just looking around shocked out of my mind, I began walking around.  I just couldn't believe it.  Everything was as real as real life.  I could feel the the air conditioning on my face.  I looked down at the gleaming white tile that looked as if it had just been polished.  I decided to kneel down and touch it.  It was cold to to the touch, just like if I were touching it in real life.  I stood back up and began looking at the people.  They looked just like any people you'd expect to see at an airport.  I glanced at the book store and it looked just like a real book store.  I then headed over to the section overlooking the esclators (this was in D Gates by the way) and I watched people getting on and off the esclators for a minute.  Completely mind blown.  I didn't know what else to do.  I wondered if maybe I should go outside and get a taxi home?  Then, BAM! I was suddenly back in my body, in bed.  I sat up.  Looked around. WHAT????  I was just in Las Vegas airport.  Now, I'm back in bed.  Like I said, nothing in the world can prepare you for your first realer than real life lucid dream.

End each section with lifestyle steps... this essentially becomes my book online  Also explain exactly steps to creating habits that lead to results in their lives.

Robert Waggoner tests


Google for life is a dream tests again (just to see if real)


Lucid Living book (and that other little book like it)


Robert’s Money book….


Mike Dooley’s explanation from Playing the Matrix

* I don't know about you, but when I first heard the idea that thoughts alone could turn into things, I thought it was the single stupiest thing I'd ever heard of.  I mean, if thoughts could turn into things, everybody would know that, be aware of it and utilizing that ability.  Despite my super negative skepticism, I ended up testing the idea out and to my shock and suprise my desire manifested.  I tried it again.  It worked again.  It still made zero sense to me, but since it worked, I kept doing it.  If you're reading this, you've most likely already tested out the idea that thoughts turn into things and seen this is true.  I'm bringing this up because when I first read the claim that life was a dream, once again I was super negative.  I couldn't undertstand why anyone would think that.  Any idiot could see that life wasn't like a dream.  I'd never been stuck in slow motion running from monsters, or seen anyone else in that situation either.  It wasn't until later, that I experienced my first real as real life lucid dream, and had the experience of realizing that there was no way to distinguish between the lucid dream and waking reality, that I suddenly understood why someone claim that life is a dream.  To be fair though, the original claim I read didn't mention lucid dreaming.  If they had, then I'd have learned about lucid dreaming and seen the potential link.  I'm saying all this to bring this point upto to you now that it's understandable to think I'm an idiot claiming that life is a lucid dream initially, but think about it.  Think about how skeptical you likely were about thoughts turning into things when you first heard it.  You now know this is true and probably take the fact for granted that your desires manifest.  If it's possible for thoughts to turn into things, what else is possible?  Is it really that far a stretch if thoughts turn into things to the possibility that the entire reality is thought created???  THIS IS GOOD STUFF, keep some of it........ And then explain from here. It's important to put this here first so that anyone who is skeptical of my claim gets to read this and see that I'm not a nutter... I might have just fixed this whole issue by stating that "you're having a lucid dream right now" at the top of this, so I might be able to cut this top section out that I just wrote up.

When you have a lucid dream, you know that you’re dreaming and that your body is in a reality beneath your dream sleeping in your bed.  Using that example, the lucid dream is the reality that you’re experiencing and base reality, the real reality is where your body is sleeping.  The thing is there is actually no way to know what base reality is because there can always be another reality underneath the one you are currently experiencing.  For example, I’m not saying this is true, I’m simply using this as an example, right now we could all be on a spaceship that is headed to a different galaxy.  This journey we could be on could last hundreds of years.  To survive the trip, we could all be in hibernation sleep connected by a computer.  So right now, our real bodies are in hibernation sleep, we’re in a connected computer simulation experiencing this world one level up.  When we go to sleep in this reality, and have a lucid dream, that would be another level above that.”  There is always the possibility of another reality underneath the one we are aware of that we aren’t aware of.”  So nobody knows what base reality is. Base reality is unknowable.  Even when you die, and go off to heaven as some people believe, you could wake up in heaven and still not know if there was another reality beneath heaven, where your actual body is on a spaceship headed to a different galaxy.  Keep this in mind whenever you hear people claiming that they know what’s ultimately going on.  If you question them directly, what you’ll find is that they don’t actually know, they just believe they do. 


While I don’t know what is ultimately going on, I don’t know what base reality is as no one does, I do know that this reality in front of my eyes is a lucid dream.  Now when I say that, that is the most accurate description I can find, based on my experiences, to describe the reality in front of my eyes.  I could just as easily say this reality in front of my eyes is a simulation, consciousness, vibration, energy etc.  Those are all also valid comparisons.  They are all accurate too.  I just don’t use them because I prefer lucid dream. 


Final point about this is that while other comparisons can be used other than lucid dream, I do know that whatever this reality is in front of our yes, it's NOT a physical matter created reality.  I know this with absolute 100% certainty because whenever I get my thoughts, feelings, words and actions aligned with a desire, that desire manifests.  I've been doing this since I was 8 years old.  It's never not happened.  And you could accurately say, "Well, you might one day get your thoughts, feelings, words and actions aligned with a desire and it won't manifest."  I'd say, "You'r right. And should that day ever come, I will happily admit it, and I will walk away from the sharing about manifestation business for good never to return.  However, I'm not holding my breath, because when something has happened consistently, over, and over, and over and over again for 39 years, it's likely to happen over and over and over again forever.  This life is only so long, to move forward at some point, you have to draw some conclusions, you have to chose a lane.  This is the conclusion I have drawn along with promise that 'I'll head back to the drawing board' should I ever experience anything else."



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