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The Manifesting Teachers I've Studied

I’ve made the study of manifesting my life’s work.  I make a point to keep my eye on everything that is going on with regards to the subject.  As you just read, I’ve further investigated 96 manifesting teachers and I actively keep tabs on 52 of them.  I've also studied the thoughts of 253 manifesting formula creators.  Additionally I’ve invested serious time into establishing connections with 232 manifesting coaches, authors and bloggers.  I keep abreast everyone's work by subscribing to their e-mail lists and Facebook pages.  I also get an e-mail each morning detailing any news reports, blog articles and youtube videos involving the Law of Attraction that have been posted by anyone online, anywhere in the world, in the past 24 hours.


Thanks to my monitoring and connections, when a new idea, tool or manifesting breakthrough happens, I’m one of the very first to find out about it.  And I investigate.        If the information produces viable results for myself and others, then I update the additional resources section of my manifesting checklist. 


Below you’ll find a list of the manifesting teachers, authors, bloggers and coaches I’ve investigated further.  One star * after their name means I'm actively keeping tabs on them; two stars ** means I'm paying extra close attention to them.  Please understand that (one or two stars) has nothing to do with how effective a teacher the person is. It has everything to do with how much my analytical mind resonates with their work.



Channelers Who Teach About Manifesting/Law of Attraction

Abraham shared through Esther Hicks  **

Seth channeled by Jane Roberts *

Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka **

Elan channeled by Andrew Bayuk

Paul channeled by Frank Butterfield *

The Three Sisters channeled by Gregory Kompes

The Oracle channeled by Kalyn

The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective channeled by Wendy Kenndy

Yeshua, Calliandra, Enara and The Angelics etc channeled by Nora Herold

Ramtha channeled by JZ Knight

Terah channeled by Robin Retallick **


Famous Manifesting/Law of Attraction Teachers

Bob Doyle  **

Joe Vitale  **

Louise Hay *

Wayne Dyer  *

Jack Canfield  *

Mark Victor Hansen

Marci Shimoff

Bob Proctor  *

Michael Beckwith  *

Mike Dooley  *

Andy Dooley  *


Lisa Nichols *

John Assraf  *

Michael Losier *

Teal Swan *

Deepak Chopra

Christie Marie Sheldon  *


Manifesting Educational Organizations

            Rosicrucians (AMORC)


Manifesting/Law of Attraction Bloggers

Jeannette Maw **

Melody Fletcher  **

Steve Pavlina  **

Greg Kuhn  **

Hemal Radia *

Andrrea Hess

Christa Smith *

Michelle Martin Dobbins  *

Trevor Pirtle **


Manifesting/Law of Attraction Coaches

Regina Faustino  **

Lori Hamann  **

Susan Ferraro *

Janette Dalgliesh *

Nancy Barry-Jansson **

Lara Kenoyer  **
Mashhur Anam *

Eva Gregory *

Dawn Clark *

Jeff Gignac

Anya Bartholomew *

David Morelli  *

Mr. Twenty Twenty


Manifesting Formula Creators

As of this writing on May 25, 2015, I’ve studied the thoughts of 253 manifesting formula creators.  I did this in the process of developing my manifesting checklist.  To see a complete list of all 253 formula creators and their manifesting formulas click here.


Manifesting/Law of Attraction Program Creators

            Henk J.M. Schram

            Kristen Howe  **

            Christy Whitman  **

            Sasha Xarrian *

            Marilyn Jenett *

            Andy Shaw  *

  Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D. *

  Dr. Robert Anthony


Manifesting/Law of Attraction Authors

The Secret, The Magic, The Power, The Hero by Rhonda Byrne  **

Creating Money by Sanaya Roman 

Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn

Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi

Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire by Fred Fengler & Todd Varnum

The Magical Path by Marc Allen *

Mastering The Law of Attraction by Sonia Ricotti *

Your Destiny Switch by Peggy McColl *

Feel It Real!: A Guided Approach to Bringing the Law of Attraction into Your Life by Denise Coates

Choosing Easy World by Julia Rogers Hamrick

Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain

Choose To Believe by Alan Tutt

The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden

Conscious Language by Robert Tennyson Stevens  **

Living Deliberately by Harry Palmer  

The Science of Success by James Arthur Ray

The Science Behind The Secret by Travis Taylor *

Lucid Living by Tim Freke  **

Be A Rock Star by Bobby Donohue *

Illusions by Richard Bach

Law of Attraction Magazine created by Sue Elliott *

Living A Safe Universe by Lynda Madden Dahl *

Manifesting/Law Of Attraction Webinars

How To Manifest Your Dreams With Holographic Creation by Christopher Westra


Famous Conscious Creators

Helene Hadsell is famous for winning every contest she ever entered using her S.P.E.C.  manifesting formula. *


Cynthia Stafford is famous for manifesting a $112 million dollar lottery win. *


Bunky Bartlett attracted a $82.5 million dollar lottery win.  He attributes his win to Universal forces working in his favor, didn’t use a specific manifesting technique.


Eddie Coronado who is well known for his $50,000 lottery win and the books he's written about it.  *


Ingrid Plattman manifested a $230,000 lottery win.


Heather Singleton & Josh Wood have manifested two $10,000 lottery wins.


Earnest Cobb is famous for manifesting over $10 million dollars in slot jackpots.


Manifesting Teachers Who I've Studied That Have Transitioned

            Napoleon Hill

            Jose Silva

            Jerry Hicks

            Joseph Murphy

            Florence Scovel Shinn

            Neville Goddard

            Ernest Holmes

            Wallace Wattles

            Earl Nightingale

            Jane Roberts


Teachers Who Helped Me Develop My Manifesting Abilities Indirectly

Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch  *

Afformations created by Noah Saint John  **

Money Honey created by Morgana Rae

Power of Who by Bob Beaudine

The 3 Teachings by Bentinho Massaro  *

Unleash Your Psychic Genius: The 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Natural Psychic Abilities by Erin-Ashley Kerti  *

Psychic But Sane by Anna Sayce  *

How To Get An Immediate Answer From Your Intuition by Sonia Choquette *

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Ecker *

Infinite Quest by John Edward *

Ike Pono by Bruce Conching *

The Law of Emergence by Drew Rydall *

Discover Your Soul Signature by Panache Desai *

Embracing Ourselves by Hal Stone *

Your Life Is A Gift by Ken Keyes Jr.

Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt

Quantum Jumping by Burt Goldman *

Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton  *
Sedona Method by Hale Dwoskin  **


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253 LOA Formulas
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