Mr. Namaste
The Rewards & Challenges Of Guaranteed Manifestation Results
One of the best days of my life was figuring out how guaranteed manifesting results work.
Realizing I could be as specific as I wanted about a desire, and that it was guaranteed to manifest was mindblowing.
Goodbye cycling depression!
Goodbye manifestation frustration!
Hello manifesting certainty!
Hello finally being able to relax because I knew at last I was going to get what I wanted!
Hi, my name is Al. I’ve been experiencing guaranteed manifesting results since 2008. In the paragraphs below, I’m going to explain what you need to know to experience them too. Then, all you have to do is follow my step-by-step instructions to see for yourself that guaranteed manifesting results are real. After you experience your first result, your life will never be the same. Suddenly, you're going to realize that the world in front of your eyes is so much more magical than you likely ever imagined, and anything and everything is absolutely possible.
Section 1. How I Discovered Guaranteed Manifesting Results Are Possible
Section 2. Why You Are The Only Thing Stopping Yourself From Experiencing Guaranteed Manifesting Results
Section 3. What Guaranteed Manifesting Results Are & What Guaranteed Manifesting Results Are Not
Section 4. My Guaranteed Results Manifesting Checklist
Section 5. The Problems That Come With Learning How To Manifest Guaranteed Results & How To Avoid Some Of Them
Section 1. How I Discovered Guaranteed Manifesting Results Are Possible
In pros and cons of guaranteed results put explanation about all long term depression stems from belief you can't get what you want. And how guaranteed manifesting results probably saved my life...
Guaranteed Manifesting Results can be effortless but generally there is resistance that needs to be released which involves following your inspiration (while enjoyable effort, it’s still effort on your part)
Problem with guarantee results is the gap that occurs between where you are now and where you want to go.
THAT GAP can cause you endless misery and kill happiness, but since you know the results are guaranteed, you keep releasing resistance to get it and putting off happiness….
Hi, my name is Al. I show people how to experience guaranteed manifesting results. Even better, I do it for free. By the time you're done reading this, you'll know to do it. And by the way, if you're skeptical, good. Just don't let your skepticsm get in the way of you actually checking this out. Remember there was likely a time when if someone said to you, "thoughts turn into things" you'd have been skeptical about that....
To make long story short, in 2015, I figured out how to experience guaranteed manifesting results. I have even been able to be as percise as to the time period in which the desires will manifest. Sounds great right? It absolutley is. There is nothing that beats knowing for certain that a desire you want is guaranteed to manifest. But, as you'll soon see, it's a blessing and a curse.
First, let's get clear about what guaranteed manifesting results is and is not. I'll start with what it's not...
Guaranteed manifesting results is usually NOT effort free. It can be, of course. I've experienced this a number of times. However, more often than not, I have blocks to desires that need to be handled before I can experiene guaranteed results.
Hi, my name is Al. I'm engaged in a long-term research study involving manifestation, intuition, happiness, and the true nature of reality. So far, the results of my research are...
I figured out how to get specific, consistent, bank-on-able, manifesting results. Click here to learn more.
I figured out how to experience happiness with life exactly as it is right now, without needing anything to change. Click here to learn more.
I’ve figured out that life is a lucid dream and how to prove it to you. Click here to learn more.
I figured out how to get accurate intuitive advice. Click here to learn more. (maybe I should just weave intution into everything???)
I get that there are relationship coaches, unstuck coaches, manifestation coaches etc. What problem do I solve? I show people how to manifest specific results, be happy with life exactly as it is, and realize they are dreaming right now. But what problem do I solve? How to get specific manifesting results. So then what? I say the same things I'm going to say in the manifesitng results section. I still will have the other sections. I just start with the specific manifestations stuff... Right, but the entire website has to be geared to specific manifesting, so people think of me for that, and I weave in the other stuff, BUT THE FOCUS IS MANIFESTING RESULTS, THAT IS THE PROBLEM I SOLVE that people think of me for and come to me for.
And loving life exactly as it is right now and realizing you are dreaming, developing your intuition are keyes to experiencing specific, consistent, bank-on-able manifesting results THAT IS HOW TO TIE EVERYTHING TOGETHER. PRESENT IT LIKE THAT!!!
Hi, my name is Al.
I figured out how to experience specific consistent, bank-on-able manifesting results (click here fo learn more)
I figured out how to be happy with life exactly as it is right now (click here to learn more)
I figured out how to prove to yourself that you're dreaming (click here for more info).
Click here to learn how to experience specific, consistent bank-on-able, manifesting results.
Click here to learn how to be happy with life exactly as it is right now,.
Click here to learn how you can prove to yourself that you're in a lucid dream right now.
Would you like to know for certain if a desire is going to manifest?
Would you like to enjoy life more?
Would you like to see how powerful you really are?
Hi, my name is Al. I share with people how I know for certain if a desire is going to manifest....
When I'm not engaged in my research, I work 1-on-1 with people who want 1 thing (and focus only on this one thing)...
List benefits...
Refer to 10 Reaons Most Coaches Fail article... (I suspect this should be at the top and then share the things I've figured out from my research to grab attention)
Can you relate to these wants?
I wanted to figure out how to create consistent, bank-on-able, and predictable manifesting results.
I wanted to figure out how to be happy with life exactly as it is, without needing anything to change.
After realizing that thoughts could turn into things, and that my intuition could tell me things that it should have no way of knowing, I began wondering what else was possible, and decided I wanted to see just how deep the rabbit hole really goes.
Hi, my name is Al. Back in 1985, I read about the idea that thoughts alone could turn into things. I was skeptical, but I decided to test the idea out, and to my complete surprise it worked (LOL)! As the years passed, I experienced a lot of fun manifesting successes as well as some failures too. Something I noticed was that as cool as my manifestation successes were, none of them led to lasting happiness. I also began to really wonder how it was possible that thoughts alone could turn into things. Like everyone else, I heard the answers manifesting teachers gave but they never answered some of my biggest questions like, "If two people know about manifesting, and they both want the same thing, who gets it?"
These experiences I had led me to researching manifesting results and...
Hi, my name is Al. For many years, I've focused on learning as much as I could about manifesation, intuition, happiness and living lucidly. Today, I advise people on how to get the results they want in these areas.
Do you and I have similar experiences and wants?
I heard the idea that thoughts alone could turn into things back in 1985.
I was skeptical, but I tested the idea, and surprisingly it worked (LOL!).
Then, I had some manifesting successes and some failures too.
I noticed that as cool as my manifestation successes were they didn't lead to lasting happiness.
I also wondered how could thoughts turn into things? Of course, I heard all the usual answers manifesting teachers give. Those satisfied me for a while. However, I started to have questions like, "If two people both know about manifesting, and they both want to marry the same person, who gets the prize and why? All the responses I heard to questions like that came up a bit lacking.
These experiences caused me to want three primary things...
#1 I wanted to figure out how to experience consistent manifesting results.
#2 I wanted to figure out how to enjoy the entire journey through life, not just during and after wins.
#3 I wanted a satisfying answer to ALL of my manifesting questions.
It took years but eventually all three of my wants were satisfied.
I share what I learned in the pages of this website.
Now that the wants I mentioned are satisfied, my new desire is to connect with others like me, have fun and create great memories together.
If I can be of any help on your journey, feel free to reach out and contact me here.
I can link manifesting and intuition results!!!! AS THEY SHOULD BE LINKED!!! I can say I wanted to experience consistent manifesting and intuitive results.... And intuition is NOT the benefit, guidance is not the benefit, the manifesting results are the benefit so that's why I stick with manifesting results as the focus, the guidance is a means to the end.
Doyou want the same things I want?
I want consistent, count-on-able, and predictable manifesting results.
I want clear intuitive guidance.
I want control of my life experience.
I want to understand how thoughts to
Has your life experience been similar to mine?
I heard the idea that thoughts turn into things.
I was skeptical, but I tested it out, and it actually worked (LOL!).
Then, I had some great manifesting successes.
However, I also had some stuff that did NOT manifest that I really wanted.
I wondered why?
I spent years studying and finally figured out
I'm not sure of the value of this home page....
It wastes time.
The header states the desired benefit.
The button shows them where to access info.
Then I start out with the question that grabs them.
The sypnosis covers what I'd be covering on the home page...
Plus eliminating a button makes my button panel less crowded and FEELS BETTER.
If they want to learn about me, they can go to the ABOUT ME page.
And by eliminating this home page, I can put About Me back into buttons.
There might be value in having a home page if I summarize my philosophy in a way that brings everything all together, that is distinct from what I say on other pages....
Hi, my name is Al. I've been a student of manifestation, intuition and lucid living since 1985. Over the past 39 years, I've run across hundreds of teachers on these combined subjects. 133 of them warranted further attention. Thanks to my studies, testing out the things I learned, and then making adjustments to get better results, I've figured out three life changing things...
#1 The way to experience specific, count-on-able and predictable manifesting results is to use a checklist. To see the checklist I use, click here (It makes sense to stop giving the checklist away, and sell the service of using the checklist, as people don't have the experience anyway and all I'm getting is downloads)
#2 As odd as this might sound, we're dreaming right now, and there are three experiments that you can do that will show you this is true. To learn more about those experiments click here.
#3 Life was designed to be able to enjoy the entire journey through it, not just the peak times after you've achieved your biggest dreams. Mayb you're enjoying your life a lot right now. Maybe you're not. Either way, there are some simple habits you can start using right now that will cause you to be truly happy with your life, exactly as it is, without having to change anything. To learn about those habits, click here.
Did you know it's possible to experience specific, count-on-able, and predictable manifesting results by using a specialized manifestation checklist?
Has anyone shared with you the simple daily habits that cause you to be happy with your life, exactly as it is, without needing a single thing to change? (include habit of stopping the decision something is good or bad from other dream guy's book)
New photo in Namaste tee?
Are you aware that there are experiments you can do that prove you're in a lucid dream right now?
Over the past 38 years, I've run across hundreds of manifesting teachers. I check everyone out. 133 of them warranted further attention. (To see a list of all the teachers I've learned from, click here). Thanks to my studies, I've tested every major manifesting process: dream boarding, visualizing, feel the feeling first, etc. I've tested most of the lesser known ones too, such as scanning the Zohar, Cosmic Ordering, Voice Dialogue and such. To see a list of all of the manifesting processes I've tested, click here. The payoff from all this learning is I’ve been able to manifest everyday manifestations like parking spaces, free See’s chocolates (delicious!), and schedules being changed in my favor, as well as exciting manifestations like a free trip to NYC for the Millennium celebration, my first millionaire business mentor and front row seats at an epic U2 concert (click here to see a list of 90 of my successful manifestations).
What Makes Me A Manifesting Results Expert?
The fact that I figured out how to manifest guaranteed results. This knowledge is making it possible for me to manifest my own life changing results (to see my progress click here), as well as being able to help you do the same.
How Did I Figure Out How To Manifest Guaranteed Results?
In late 2009, my girlfriend and I had a disagreement. She insisted it was possible to manifest anything. I'd successfully manifested a lot of things. I'd manifested her and she was the woman of my dreams. However, when I'd tried to manifest winning the lottery, years before manifesting her, I'd failed. "Just because you failed years before, doesn't make it impossible," she said, daring me to try again.
Initially, I scoffed at her dare. But, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Failing to manifest a lottery win was the only time I could remember really, Really, REALLY wanting something-- and it not manifesting. I liked the thought of returning my manifesting score card to all major wins. Could there be a way?
I spent almost six years researching manifesting results. Lots of people have seen bits and pieces of the data I collected. But I don't know of anyone else who has managed to compile all the bits and pieces in one place. If someone else had done this before me, my process for creating guaranteed manifesting results would have been discovered long ago. Here's a brief description of the major highlights of my research:
Between late 2009 and early 2015, I researched and analyzed...
119 personal manifesting successes and 10 failures,
(click here to read the successes, will add failures soon)
254 manifesting formulas,
72 manifesting techniques,
(click here to view them)
and EVERY major manifesting discovery ever made.
I wanted to find a sure-fire way to manifest millions and the lifestyle of my dreams.
The description you just read is the short version of my research. If you'd like to read a more detailed description, click here. Otherwise, please continue reading below.
My countless hours of research led me to discover the three biggest reasons that stop people from being able to manifest truly life changing results:
*The first reason is not understanding the critical role the higher self plays in the manifesting process.
*The second reason is not being aware of unconscious alignment steps.
*The third reason is using incomplete manifesting techniques.
These discoveries, combined with other minor realizations, are what eventually led me to identifying the 15 alignment questions on my Manifesting Checklist. Following the Checklist, answering each question completely, makes guaranteed manifesting results possible.
#1 My Higher Self
I use to think people who talked about their Higher Selves were New Age half-wits. Nine months into my research, I got the shock of my life: I met my Higher Self. I got shocked again when I realized I could talk to him, just like I can talk to you. And, I got shocked for a third time when I learned about his critical role in the manifestation process.
What is your Higher Self?
Your Higher Self is the part of you who is not dealing with day-to-day problems like paying bills. (Some people commonly refer to this part of themselves as their Inner Being, Broader Self, Intuition, or Spirit Guide).
How do you talk to your Higher Self?
Anyone can do it-- who is open-minded and willing to put in a little bit of practice. Some people prefer to simply talk to their Higher Selves out loud; other people like the typing/writing method. I share how to do both methods-- in the advanced version of my manifesting checklist. The advanced version will be available in August if 2015.
What is the critical role your Higher Self plays in the manifestation process?
Your Higher Self determines which of your desires manifest and which don't.
After meeting my Higher Self, I said, "I want to manifest millions of dollars; so let's do this!" My Higher Self replied, "I want to get rich but I also want to make a massive difference in the world too. If the money manifested right now you wouldn't be really able to tell others how you did it. I'm not interested in getting the money without being able to help others do the same." I said, "I don't care, just give me the money!" My Higher Self answered, "Remember I AM YOU. You do care. Forget about the job you're not thrilled with, and everything else you're dealing with. Step back and you'll see: I'm telling you the truth." It took me a while but, finally, I did it. I realized my Higher Self was right. If I couldn't help other people replicate my results, I'd just be some dude that got lucky. I went back to my research.
A short time later, a huge insight hit me. Even though I'd learned a lot from the LOA teachers I'd studied, I'd always thought, "If you knew how manifesting really worked, you wouldn't be selling books, audios and seminars, you'd just manifest a million dollars and be done with it." Suddenly I knew why these teachers weren't manifesting millions of dollars out of thin air. It wasn't that they didn't know how manifesting worked; it was because their Higher Selves weren't in alignment with them doing that. Of course, their Higher Selves could be brought into alignment with that desire. However, to do that they'd first have to know about their Higher Selves and second they'd have to know how to consult them.
How can you get your Higher Self's stamp of approval on a desire you want to manifest?
By doing what it asks of you.
Once you've done that, you and your Higher Self will be in alignment on the desire; and it will manifest.
If you've got a desire that you've been wanting to manifest forever, and it still hasn't happened, it may be because you haven't asked your Higher Self what you need to do. This is why developing an open channel of communication is absolutely necessary when it comes to manifesting life changing results.
#2 Unconscious Alignment Steps
In late 2008, I’d successfully manifested the woman of my dreams. A friend of mine watched me successfully do this and asked me to help him do the same thing. I took him through the exact process I’d used to manifest the woman of my dreams. Months passed. Nothing happened. We went back, and rechecked everything. It all looked good. So I told him to be patient; something would happen. Another three months passed. Still, nothing had happened. We rechecked everything again. It was all perfect. I was stumped. He threw in the towel. A few months later, I was going about my day when suddenly I realized the reason his desire likely hadn’t manifested. I called him up and said, “Do you believe it’s possible to manifest the woman of your dreams?” He thought for a moment and said, “Nope, I don’t. I’ve never manifested anything before so I don’t believe it’s possible.” I thanked him and hung up the phone.
I’d been manifesting stuff all my life. It never occurred for me to check for a belief issue because I believed I could manifest anything I wanted, as long as long as I first removed my resistance to it. I realized in a sense this was a step I was doing, each time that I manifested my desires, but I wasn’t aware of it. It was an unconscious alignment step. I made a note to do a belief check next time I coached anyone on how to manifest a desire.
I didn’t have long to wait. A woman I met at a Law of Attraction Meetup group heard my story of manifesting the woman of my dreams. She approached me to help her manifest the man of her dreams. I took her through the entire process, and this time, made sure to check for belief. Three months later, nothing had happened. I became so frustrated, I wanted tear my hair out. One day, I was thinking about her issue. Suddenly, I figured out what was likely messing things up. I called her up, and said, “Do you expect the man of your dreams to manifest?” She thought about it for a moment and said, “No I don’t because I've tried before and always failed.” I thanked her and got off the phone.
It had never occurred to me to do an expectation check either. Once I removed the resistance to a desire, I always expected it to manifest. I’d never consciously thought about this; it’s just the way it was for me. Here was yet another unconscious alignment step. I made a note to do an expectation check, as well as a belief check, next time I coached someone.
I continued this process of helping people, and identifying unconscious alignment steps, through the following years. Finally, in early 2015 I figured out the last one. How did I know I found the last one? I, finally, stopped running across any new unconscious alignment steps. Additionally, I reviewed the alignment steps that over 250 manifesting coaches use to align to their desires. I didn't see any steps that I wasn't already aware of. Finally, when people are done using my checklist, they naturally feel consistently good about their desires. This is the key indicator that alignment has been achieved and that their desires are going to manifest.
During the process of identifying unconscious alignment steps, I realized two major things...
Everyone uses different manifesting techniques to manifest their desires. However all these different techniques do the same thing, they help people to align to their desires.
The other major thing I realized is that unconscious alignment steps are hands down the single biggest reason people experience inconsistent manifesting results.
Another unconscious alignment step I identified is deserving. If you're like most people, you always feel like you deserve your desired manifestations. It would never occur to you to check and see if you feel like you deserve something. However deserving issues do come up from time-to-time for almost everyone. Suppose one day a deserving issue comes up for you when you're working on manifesting a desire. You don't do a deserving check as part of your manifesting process. You just do what you've always done to manifest your desires. However, this time your desire doesn't manifest. You have no idea why. You feel frustrated and angry. After trying lots of different manifesting methods, you'll eventually give up in disgust. Once again you'll think, "I wish to God I knew why my desires sometimes manifest and other times don't."
However if you have my manifesting checklist, you'll have a very different experience. My manifesting checklist covers ALL of the unconscious manifesting steps. You'll start at the top of the checklist. When you come to the deserving question, you'll notice that you actually don't feel like you deserve this manifestation. You'll follow the instructions on the checklist to fix the situation. Then you'll think, "I'm so glad I have this checklist. It never would have occurred to me that I didn't feel like I deserved this manifestation!" You'll answer the rest of the questions on the checklist. Soon your desire will manifest. Say goodbye to the days when desires of yours didn't manifest and you couldn't figure out why. Say hello to a whole new world, where if a desire of yours doesn't manifest, you can easily figure out why and then you know what steps to do so that you can get your desire to manifest.
#3 All Manifesting Methods, Techniques & Processes Are Incomplete
Has this ever happened to you? You decide you want to manifest something. You pick a manifesting technique (like dream boarding for example) and you use it. It works! Your desire manifests! A short time later, you decide you want to manifest something else. Naturally, you decide to use the exact same manifesting technique that just worked for you. So you do another dream board. For some reason though, this time your desire doesn't manifest. You have no idea why.
There are 15 questions a person has to, positively, answer in order to consciously align to a desire. There is not a single manifesting method, technique or process out there today (except my manifesting checklist) that causes a person to consciously answer all 15 of these core alignment questions. Since this is the case, there is not a single manifesting method, technique or process out there that can be relied on to cause your desires to always manifest.
You figure out that you want to take a trip. You decide to create a dream board to help you manifest it. You cut out pictures of what you want your trip to look like and you paste them up on a dream board. In this example, you answered the key alignment questions, "What do I want? Am I clear on what I want? Am I willing to let the Universe decide how this will manifest?" And without knowing it, you also answered all the rest of the 15 alignment questions, naturally, and, therefore, unconsciously. Your trip manifests and you're stoked!
The next year, you want to take another trip. You decide to create another dream board. This time though you decide you want to upgrade and travel first class all the way. You follow the same procedure as before. By doing this, you answered the questions, "What do I want? Am I clear on what I want? Am I willing to let the Universe decide how this will manifest?" And you unknowingly answer the rest of the alignment questions as well, except you've got a problem. You want to travel first class but you've never done that before. The difference in the cost of a airline seat in coach vs first class is over fifteen hundred dollars alone. Manifesting this feels like a BIG DEAL. It feels out of reach and so it is. Your desire doesn't manifest but you have no idea why.
"Does this mean that all other manifesting techniques, processes and methods are worthless?" Nope. After testing, I realized how all the other manifesting techniques, methods and processes work with my manifesting checklist. The fourteenth question on the checklist has you check to see if you feel like you should use additional manifesting techniques to help you align to your desire. A lot of times you won't feel like you need to. However, there times when you will. For example, I still feel called to make dream boards from time-to-time. I just no longer rely on dream boards solely to manifest my desires.
The three discoveries you just read about, plus some other realizations, led me to identifying the 15 essential alignment questions. I figured out that every time I manifested a desire, I positively answered all 15 questions. I also realized that every time I'd failed to manifest a desire, I'd failed to positively answer one or more of the same 15 questions.
I began quizzing other people about their manifesting experiences, sharing the 15 questions with them. It became immediately apparent, whether they were conscious of it or not, that when they successfully manifested their desires, they also positively answered all 15 questions. And when they failed to manifest a desire, they also failed to answer one or more of the same 15 questions.
After realizing this I started getting excited. If everyone was positively answering the same 15 questions, when they successfully manifested their desires, that meant the questions I'd discovered were universal. Anyone who positively answered all 15 questions, would find themselves in alignment with their desire and it would manifest. As I considered this, suddenly it hit me, I'd found the 15 essential questions that cause alignment! That meant I'D FOUND A WAY TO CREATE GUARANTEED MANIFESTING RESULTS!
As I mentioned above, I took the 15 questions and created a manifesting checklist. You start at the top, working downward. By the time you've answered the last question at the bottom, you've become aligned to your desire. This means your desire is guaranteed to manifest. If you'll agree to send me a testimonial after you use my checklist to successfully manifest a desire of yours, I'll give you a FREE copy of my manifesting checklist. To get your free checklist click here.
What Are The Benefits Of Using My Manifesting Checklist?
You Now Know EXACTLY What You Need To Do To Get Your Desires To Manifest
Before I had this manifesting checklist, I did manifesting techniques and hoped my desire would manifest. Now that I have the manifesting checklist, I know exactly what I need to do to get my desire to manifest.
You ALWAYS Know Where You’re At In The Manifesting Process
In some cases you can breeze through every question on the checklist in an hour. Then, you know your desire is on its way to you. Other times, you may find yourself stuck on a single question for quite some time before you can figure out how to complete it. Being stuck on a question is never fun but it’s a blessing in disguise. If you didn’t have the checklist, and didn’t know you were stuck on a question, you’d think you’d completed the manifesting process. Nothing sucks worse than waiting, and waiting, and waiting some more for a desire that is never going to manifest. Once you get the checklist, you’ll always know if you’ve completed all 15 questions. Therefore you’ll always know, whether to expect your desire to manifest or if you still have some more work to do. The questions bring certainty to your manifesting process.
Say Goodbye To Always Wondering If You Need To Do Something More
If you’re like most people, right now you often wonder, “Am I done? Or do I need to do something more to get my desire to manifest?” One of the coolest things about my Manifesting Checklist is that when you reach the bottom, you are truly done. All you have to do next is sit back, relax, and wait for your desire to manifest, or be intuitively guided to take actions that acquire it.
You Get To Relax -- Knowing You Didn’t Forget Anything
Over ten years ago I failed to manifest winning the lottery. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t manifesting. A few years later, I was doing a walking meditation and suddenly the answer dawned on me. I’d forgotten one of the cardinal rules of manifesting! You have to figure out what you want but not how you’re going to get it. I was happy to have figured out why my desire hadn’t manifested. I was also really mad at myself about forgetting this cardinal rule. Part of the reason I created this checklist was to insure that I’d never forget an important rule like that again. There are so many potential variables you need to remember. My manifesting checklist insures that you’ll consider every last one of them. Then you can relax knowing you didn’t forget anything.
You Get To Relax And Have Fun
Before I had this Manifesting Checklist, manifesting was important, interesting, unnerving, but certainly not fun. The question marks of what I should do or didn’t do went on and on…They Are Over Now. Just relax and Follow the Steps. The Manifesting Process actually is fun!
You Become More & More Confident In Your Manifesting Abilities
Before I had this checklist, I never knew for certain if my manifesting efforts were going to result in my desire manifesting. Now that I have this checklist, I’m seeing my manifesting efforts produce consistent results. Confidence grows. That FEELS SO GOOD! You too will find the process not only gives you results, but growing confidence in your manifesting abilities too.
You Know Your Desires Are Going To Manifest
Before I had this checklist, sometimes my desires would manifest, other times they wouldn’t and I really didn’t know why this happened. Now that I have this checklist I know exactly what I need to do to get my desire to manifest. The Manifesting Checklist changed hope to belief for me. You too will gladly say: “Good bye” to wondering and worry. “Hello,” to dependable, consistent, and often even predictable manifesting results!
You Really Can Manifest Anything You Want
“You can manifest anything you want!” I'd heard so many manifesting teachers claim that. I liked hearing them say that. But my real life manifesting experiences told me otherwise. My results were good overall but inconsistent. Then, I identified all 15 questions that when answered completely guarantee alignment. Now you really can manifest anything you want!
You Can Manifest Life Changing Results!
Getting the perfect parking space is great. Hitting green lights all the way home is a lot of fun. Finding a hundred dollar bill is a great way to brighten your day. At the same time there are people out there who are manifesting things like being signed to star in the next blockbuster movie, being given the keys to the homes of their dreams and figuring out the final details for their year long trips around the world. What manifestations would truly change your life? With the 15 questions you can move beyond everyday manifestations and begin experiencing the life changing ones!
You Get To Change Your Life and The Lives Of Those You Love Too
As you study, learn, and master the 15 alignment questions, you’re going to manifest some really cool things into your life. The people around you are going to notice your successes too, and you’ll hear: “Hey, how did you do that?” What greater gift could you give to the people you love than the ability to manifest their desires? In mastering the 15 Alignment Questions, you’ll develop the power to change your life and others too. One day it’s very possible that people in your family are going to look at you as the hero who started it all.
Are You As Excited As I Am?
If you are, you fully understand what this manifesting checklist means. THIS IS IT! THIS IS THE ONE! This checklist is the manifesting tool we’ve both been waiting for since we realized that manifesting is actually real. At long last, FINALLY A WAY to manifest guaranteed life changing results. All those things that we wanted, but couldn’t figure out how to get before, they are ALL now within reach. Using the 15 question Manifesting Checklist, you may finish it all, in just about an hour. Other times, and (often in the cases that involve your grandest desires), it might take weeks, a couple of months or even a couple of years to complete all 15 questions, but the Checklist will keep you on course, lead to the eventual realization of your grandest dreams.
Even as I’m sitting here typing this, I can feel the excitement coursing through my body, it makes me want to grab my running shoes and go screaming around the block, “It’s here! It’s here! It’s finally here!” Mark my words, this is the manifesting tool that changes both our lives. One day we’re both going to look back, and realize that our lives looked one way before we discovered the checklist, and looked completely different after mastering it. Welcome to a new world where you know if your desires are going to manifest or not based on whether you completed the questions or not.
Are you ready to get a FREE copy of my manifesting checklist?
Today, I have a limited time offer for you. If you'll agree to send me a testimonial after you use my checklist to successfully manifest a desire of yours, I'll give you a FREE copy of my manifesting checklist. To get your free manifesting checklist click here. Once I collect the testimonials I want, I'm taking this offer down, so don't wait, get your FREE copy of the checklist today by clicking here.
If you did not just download my manifesting checklist, I’m assuming that’s because you’re skeptical that my checklist can really deliver life changing results?
If you’re skeptical about my checklist being able to deliver, that shows that you’re intelligent. I realize how big a claim I’m making. If I wasn’t the guy who spent almost six years crunching data, I’d be skeptical too. Remember, though, that a closed mind will be the single most expensive thing you ever own. The basic version of my checklist is FREE. Actually testing the checklist out is the ONLY way for you to know if it’s the real deal or not. Click here and you can begin testing out my manifesting checklist right now =)